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Slipknot Fuck it all 4:20   |   Lyrics   |   Masks   |   Pictures
DJ Sid "0" Wilson-Turntables    
Owns 8 gas masks which he changes in every concert.He claimes the purpose of the gas mask is to prevent the oxygen from getting inside his skull cause he gets organic syndrome.Gas masks can be purchased on almost any industrial/hardware/retail store near you.

Joey "1" Jordison-Drums
Wears an expressionless,Japanese Kabuki mask.The mask isn't hard to find at all, you can buy it almost anywhere.Try oriental shops near you.chances are, you'll get plastic kabuki mask.Joey's is made out of rubber.

Paul "2" Gray-Bass
A pig-face mask whish he says best descibes his indulgent personality. He has a couple of variations with a padlock.

Chris "3" Fehn-Custom Percussion
His mask is a Chris strapped -on Pinocchio mask which has an evil impression on it. The nose is not solid and when he headbangs or moves his head left and right, the nose bends towards that direction. He says the mask is good for the bondage factor.

James "4" Root-Guitars
James wears a bondage hood when he first joined Slipknot. He trashed the hood after having problems playing live, because he says it was like playing underwaterwith his sweat trapped inside. He replaced it with a freaky looking jester mask which you can see as centerfold of Guitar World's March 2000 issue or any updated issue of Hit Parader.

Craig "5" Jones - Samples
Graig doesn't wear a mask. Technally, it's a diving/racing helmet crowned with dozens of 13 inch nails on both sides.His mask is extremely dangerous when he headbangs because of the nails.He has no reason yet for why he wears the mask, probably cause he's a fan of Pinhead from Clive Barker's Hellraiser film.

Shawn "6" Crahan-Custom Percussion
Shawn wears a clown face mask which he claims that he has owned for 15 years already. The mask best describes his funny and dark side attitude. He says he got it at a store like spencers and when he seen it he had to get it, so he says.

Mick "7" Thompson-Guitars
The seven foot (allegedly) hockey mask clad guitarist claimes that he wears the mask cause he's a fan of serial killers.The mask looks like metal but is actually made of a thick leather.

Corey "8" Taylor-Vocals
He wears a leatherface mask (originally a crash dummy mask that he cut up and sewed back together)with dreads made from fake hair. He used to have his real dreads come out from the mask instead of the fake ones but didn't stick to the idea for long after having problems with his hair (pushing it through the holes everytime).

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